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We'd like to announce the release of NoClone 2014 Touch, an easy-to-use photo management app built to help you get rid of duplicate or similar photos on your hard drive and SkyDrive!

The release includes some improvements, optimization and couple of bug fixes such as tap to open, batch delete and display photos in correct scale. Some known bugs like crashes with large file set will be fixed for the next release. Simply download and install NoClone (for Windows 8.x RT & Pro) from Windows Store. The trial version has a 7-day limitation. To learn how to use NoClone Touch, access a quick start guide here.

If you find this app useful and would like to support and help our development of it, please give it a 'FIVE-STAR' review in the Windows Store. In return for rating and writing the review, we will refund your order so you will have received the product for free. Click the button below to download and review NoClone now to get a free copy!

Limited Time Offer: Buy NoClone and Get Kingsoft Office Pro 2013 Free

Deal Available: Good until Fri 31 Jan, 2014Kingsoft Office Suite Professional 2013  

Normally these two apps would cost you $59.85, but for a limited time you can get them for just $29.9. Buy NoClone here.

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Free get 1-YEAR FULL Kingsoft Office Pro 2013 ($29.95)

Yours sincerely,
NoClone Team

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